Well shoot (get it?? haha), basketball in France. I didn’t see this coming.
I shall start from the beginning. I volunteer at the library, and the woman I work with asked if I wanted to go play basketball with her team. I was thinking the rec league, slow-pitch softball version of basketball. NO. Because France doesn’t really do sports via school, people play through their city or department (there are 98 departments… so its kind of like a state/county). Well, not to brag but I want to brag a little. I went to play and they asked me if I wanted to play next year on the 1st level team (that’s the best level) for this city near Angers! YAY! We did drills and I felt quite rusty. But it was so fun and better than my sad attempt at running (20 minutes once a week is “running” right??). And I learned lots of new phrases via … the process of feeling like an idiot.
Shot = tir
Free throw = lancer franc (like FRONT LAUNCH)
Screen = écran
Key = la zone restrictive
On offense = on attaque (WE ATTACK)
This girl kept yelling at me to get out of the key after three seconds and I’m thinking “back off, I am getting out of the key”… but ACTUALLY, the key is a weird non rectangle shape so I wasn’t indeed ever stepping out of the key. Mehhhhh I don’t really care. Anyways, we ended with beer … I mean obviously right, and for some people a smoke break, not for me of course but good gracious these women must be severely more fit than me if they can smoke AND play basketball for two hours.
Also I should mention that before this Marianne invited me to her house to help celebrate her daughters fourth birthday. Before dinner, her daughter Thémis and I played in the garden, putting grass in a big barrel of water, then putting our hands in (all the way!) and then taking water out and putting in on the grass. And then she soaked me with water. Good to know children are the same in every country right? Furthermore she told her mom she “gave a bise (kiss) on the mouth of someone at school.” And her mom asked who? Arthur. Her mom said but we explained kisses on the mouth are just for amoureux (lovers). The daughter evidently replied “Bahhhh oui Maman, je suis amoureuse avec lui” (Duhhh Mom I am in love with him). It was adorable to say the least. For dinner we had, ready: rice, tuna, corn, avocado, tomato, and hardboiled eggs mixed together with mayonnaise. It was surprisingly delicious. And obviously cake for dessert, did I mention her boyfriend’s a pastry chef?
Now I am playing every Thursday with the team and if I get to stay next year I will keep playing! The girls and nice and I feel very awkward yelling “écran” or “tir” but I do my best to make an effort, and not push anyone too hard… just yet.
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